BIBLE STUDY for a healthy Christian life. Welcome to the EZBB

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19.

Jesus in cloud

Daily study of a Bible text on Instagram biblestudy_wilfred

Follow us YouTube Biblestudy Wilfred

Latest revision 15th of Febuary 2025 What is new?

Read the Bible

Bible on-line

The prayer of Hannah 1 Sam. 1:1-18
The prayer of Hannah 1 Sam. 1:1-18

Sermon in Portuguese, English subtitles
Explanation of Paul's prayer Eph. 1:15-23
Explanation of Paul's prayer

Sermon in Portuguese, English subtitles
The Value of Forgiveness Genesis 50
The Value of Forgiveness Genensis 50

Sermon in Portuguese, English subtitles

Welcome to Evangelical Mission Bem do Brasil (EZBB)

Daily study of a Bible text on Instagram biblestudy_wilfred

Follow us YouTube Biblestudy Wilfred

Latest revision 15th of Febuary 2025 What is new?

The prayer of Hannah 1 Sam. 1:1-18
The prayer of Hannah 1 Sam. 1:1-18

Sermon in Portuguese, English subtitles


Red is the color of the sinner and his sinful life in the world, full of wrinkles and uncleanness.
Through the death of Jesus at the cross, is forgiveness of sin possible. Man only needs to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Then the Holy Spirit is given as the seal for eternal life in Heaven.
The next step is daily reading the Bible and BIBLE STUDY. Putting oneself under the control of God's Will by the Holy Spirit. The wrinkles of sins decrease more and more (green) until one leads a pure (color white) life.
Ephesians 5:27

He might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.

And if you live a life under the control of the Holy Spirit, then at the Rapture of Christ in the clouds, you will go to Heaven.

The purpose of the "Evangelische Zending Bem do Brasil" (EZBB) or The Good News Mission

is to respond to the Biblical command as written in the Bible "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:19) and to comply with the Christian life as described in Acts 4:32, 34-35 "Now the company of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things which he possessed was his own, but they had everything in common. There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles' feet; and distribution was made to each as any had need."
The work of the EZBB is especially in the province of Rio Grande de Norte and the cities of Parnamirim, São Gonçalo de Amarante (10 miles from Natal). To achieve its objectives, the EZBB coordinate or perform the actions and projects aimed at:

  1. The proclamation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  2. This internet site with online Bible study gratis and Christian education in the Brazilian Portuguese, English, Dutch and Spanish language.
  3. Videos with sermons.
  4. The provision of Bibles and Gospel literature.
  5. The provision of food to the needy.

Bible study Genesis

Gives verse by verse explanation. The Fall. What is sin. The rejection of Cain's sacrifice: without bloodshedding, no forgiveness. The flood. God's covenant. The Bible study Genesis gives an explanation of what is sin. Why the need for Salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. Noah's ark. What is the truth? Creation or evolution? The construction of the Tower of Babel and the confusion of speech. Abraham's struggle in the Promised Land. Abram giving tithes to Melchisedek. God's promises to Abraham. Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The birth of Isaac and God's promise. The Flood and Noah. The ark of Noah. The end of the flood. God's covenant: The rainbow. The Tower of Babel. Abram in Canaan. Departure of Abram from Egypt. Abram's victories. God blesses Abram. Hagar flies for Sarai. God's covenant with Abram. Abraham's intercession for Sodom. Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abram in Negeb. The birth of Isaac. Isaac as a burnt offering. Abraham buys the land for the sepulchre of his wife Sarah. Choosing the wife for Isaac and his marriage. Birth of Esau and Jacob. No trust from Isaac in God. The blessing of Isaac to his son Jacob leaves his father and meets God Jacob at Laban. The marriages of Jacob. The marriages and children of Jacob. Sexual intercourse means marriage.

Genesis BijbelstudieBible study

Bible study Exodus 25-28, The Tabernacle

Slide presentation.

The Way to God. The tabernakel and its significance today (typology). And see that you (Moses) make them after the pattern for them, which is being shown to you on the mountain. The significance of the three colors of the gate's curtain. The ONLY way to God. How can men (you) yourself reconcile with God? The 8 steps from salvation to the service of the believer. The 5 Pillars of the Holy.


Tabernacle Bible study

Bible study Nehemiah

Verse by verse. What are the lessons we can learn as a believer from the life of Nehemiah? Reading the Bible. Nehemiah an image of Jesus. The Bible study Nehemiah shows the perseverance of Nehemiah, his struggle for the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem. It provides valuable lessons for the Christian's battle. Discipleship of Jesus. Lukewarm in faith. Assignment and Prayer. Building. Rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Difficulties and Attacks. Measures relating to the poor. Completion of the walls. Seven important lessons for our spiritual life. Guarding the walls of Jerusalem. Challenge: Bible Reading, Prayer and Devotion. Day of repentance and prayer. Promise to maintain the Law. Nehemiah an image of the Lord Jesus Christ and the lessons for the believer. Inauguration of Jerusalem. The zeal of Nehemiah for the Law. The mixed marriages with foreign women.

Bible study

Nehemiah Bible study

Bible study Zechariah

Verse by verse. Explanations of the prophecies given by God to the prophet and priest Zechariah. Zechariah sees a man with a measure cord in the hand. This person is measuring Jerusalem. God deals with those who are not faithful to God. God, as King of saints, rules the Church through Christ. God expresses His wrath against His people. Call to conversion. The man with the measuring rod. God in the midst of His people. The candlestick and the two olive trees. The flying scroll. The four chariots. Not fasting, but obedience. The Lord and Israel's neighbors. Only the Lord gives rain. The two shepherds. Siege and liberation of Jerusalem. Mourning for the Pierced (Jesus). Eradicate idolatry and false prophets. Revelation of the Lord. Jesus' feet on Mount Zion.

Bible study

Bible study Zechariah

Bible study Matthew

Verse by verse. Why was it necessary that Jesus was born from a virgin woman? John the Baptist and Baptism of Jesus. Temptations of Jesus by Satan. Capernaum. Calling of the disciples. Explanation of the Sermon on the Mount. Elabouration of the sermon on the mount. Healings by Jesus. Broadcast and command by Jesus. Judgment about humans. Parables through Jesus. Jesus and the Pharisees and scribes. Education through Jesus. The kingdom of heaven. The rights of the emperor. Who is the Christ? End of time: Speech on the last things. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ. One is taken, the other stays behind. The wise and foolish virgins. Servants and Talents. Betrayal, imprisonment and conviction of Jesus. Jesus yields His spirit. Jesus has completed His work (It is finished). The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Three days and three nights in the grave. Did Jesus really die? The missionary order of Jesus.

Bible study

Matthew Bible study

Gospel of John

How to obtain eternal life in Heaven? The only way is by accepting Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Is the human being a sinner? But I do not understand this at all the gospel? Explanation of the gospel based on examples. Why does man need salvation? Why are you separated from God? I do not understand why I need salvation. Why is believing in Jesus so difficult? Well, is it that easy, Jesus took my sins, if I believe? But God and the fallen angels I cannot see them? The story of Andrea and Chris. Life does not go over roses.

Bible study

Spear in Jezus' side

Bible study Corinthians

The judgment of the believer for the judgment seat of Christ. Good workers receive wages from Jesus. Bad workers are saved as if through fire. The Christian is a holy temple. The Holy Spirit lives in the Christian. Spiritual opposite the world. The Holy Spirit investigates man. The man of the flesh, the Christian builds on the foundation of Jesus Christ. Building on the foundation of Jesus. Every believer has to give account for his/her way of living on earth before Jesus. The apostle Paul as an example. Gross sin. Live to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Christian marriage and single life. Eating of food offered to idols. Rights of apostles. Israel as a warning. The woman's headdress. Misunderstandings at the Supper. The spiritual gifts. The body of Christ has many members. The Love. Speaking in tongues. Speaking in the air?. Speaking in tongues, need for explanation. The resurrection of Jesus. Rapture of the Church. The collection, tithes and gifts.

Bible study   Sermon Cor. 2

Corinthians Bible study

Bible study Galatians

Verse by verse. The Bible study Galatians tells how Paul became an apostle and was recognized. Justification by law or by faith? Christian freedom. Flesh or Spirit? Funeral or cremation, or free choice? Is tattoos allowed or free choice? How do you please God? Keeping the law, the Torah? What are the works of the FLESH? What are the works of the SPIRIT works? One gospel and how Paul became an apostle. Paul recognized by the apostles. Justice through faith: the Law or faith? No more service. Christian freedom. Support each other.

Bible study

Galatians Bible study

Bible study Ephesians

Verse by verse. Discard the old life and walk in the new life under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Do not extinguish the Holy Spirit. Intercession by the Christian. Soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ. Sealed with the Holy Spirit. Intercession. From death to life. Household of God, fellow citizens. The work of Paul among the Gentiles. The church is the Body of Christ. How do we live the new life?. Purity in the life of the Christian. The Christian life within marriage. Children and parents. Slaves and their lords. The armour of the Christian in Ephesian 6. How do you fight against satan?

Bible study

Ephesians Bible study

Bible study Thessalonians

Verse by verse. Explains the results of preaching. Joy in Jesus Christ. The exhortation to walk in a holy manner. The first coming of Christ and the watchfulness. Give thanksgiving for the increase of faith and love. Explanation of the Second Coming of Christ. Believer behaving irregularly and reproach. The sanctification of the Christian.

Bible study

Thessalonians Bible study

Timothy Bible study

Verse by verse. False teachers. Regulations. What requirements must a worker (pastor, elders, deacon) meet in the service of Jesus. Preparing for the fight against satan and demons. Task of God's laborers. Task of God's workers, task of Timothy, beware of apostasy from faith. Behavior of female church members. Widows, behaviour of female church members. Danger of worldly life. The Bible study 2 Timothy explains soldier for Jesus, fight against the devil, war and the gospel, Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, gospel, word of God. Perseverance. How do you prepare for battle? Full commitment to the fight and victory. Usefulness of the Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testament.

Bible study

Timothy Bible study

Bible study Revelation

Verse by verse. Letters to the seven churches: Spiritual Life in the churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardes, Philadelphia and Laodicea. The 24 elders. The sealed scroll with seven seals. The first six seals. The 144.000 sealed ones of Israel. The seventh seal and the seven trumpets. The fifth trumpet. Seal opened of the seven thunders. The two Witnesses. The woman and the Dragon. The Beast in Revelation. The last plagues in the Great Tribulation. The great Babylon is fallen. The wrath of God is ended. The fate of the Dragon, the Beast and the false prophet. The fate of Babylon. Babylon will never be found again. Satan thrown into abysmo and after 1000 years into the the lake of fire.

Bible study   Revelation

Apocalipse Bible study


Accepted Jesus

You accepted Jesus,
what now?

Suitable for Bible study groups. What does it mean to be a Christian? Step by step in the Christian life. What does baptism mean? What is sin? What is born-again? What means "living in the world"? What means 'Living under control of the Holy Spirit? What are the three grades of sins?

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Reading the Bible

How to read the Bible?

Reading the Bible is not equal like reading a romance or a book. So how do we read the Bible? What are the requirements to understand the Bible? What is written in the Bible? Bible reading is your Quiet time with God. By reading the Bible you get to know the Will of God, it is the Holy Spirit who opens your eyes. By reading the Bible you get to know God's commandments. Christian values and norms.

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What is the meaning of the Gospel?

Questions about the gospel and salvation in modern times. What does the gospel mean? Forgiveness of sin. The blood and water at the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Offer of forgiveness. Three days and three nights of Jesus' death. Is the Gospel Free? What price do I have to pay?

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Television Sermons

Sermons by Wilfred Starrenburg

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Television Revelation Sermons

Sermons by Wilfred Starrenburg
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Television Covid Sermons

Covid-19 by Wilfred Starrenburg

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Travel through Israel

Our travel through Israel, Part 1,
Revelation 16 Armagedon, Megiddo; 1 Kings 18 Mount Carmel Elias and the Baal prophets; Mount Hermon and Golan heights; Lake of Galilea; Capernaum synagogue, Peter's mother-in-law's house; Katzrin Jewish home; Matthew 14: Mountain of the Beautitudes; Luke 4:28-30 Mountain of the Abyss; 1 Samuel 31:10-12 Beth Shean; Genesis 26:32-33 Beer Sheba, well and Altar of Isaac. Baptisms in the Jordan; Temptations of Jesus in the Wilderness Matthew 4.

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Travel through Israel2

Our travel through Israel, Part 2
Jeruzalem, Bethlehem, Tower of David, City of David, Mountain of Olives, Golden Gate, Place of the Holy Supper, Gethsemane, Via Dolorosa (Road of the Cruz), Tomb of Jesus, Walling Wall, Western Wall tunnels, Yad Vashem (Holocaust) museum

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Television Sermons

Sermons by Wilfred Starrenburg

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Television Revelation Sermons

Sermons by Wilfred Starrenburg
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Television Covid Sermons

Covid-19 by Wilfred Starrenburg

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Travel through Israel

Our travel through Israel, Part 1,
Revelation 16 Armagedon, Megiddo; 1 Kings 18 Mount Carmel Elias and the Baal prophets; Mount Hermon and Golan heights; Lake of Galilea; Capernaum synagogue, Peter's mother-in-law's house; Katzrin Jewish home; Matthew 14: Mountain of the Beautitudes; Luke 4:28-30 Mountain of the Abyss; 1 Samuel 31:10-12 Beth Shean; Genesis 26:32-33 Beer Sheba, well and Altar of Isaac. Baptisms in the Jordan; Temptations of Jesus in the Wilderness Matthew 4.

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Travel through Israel2

Our travel through Israel, Part 2
Jeruzalem, Bethlehem, Tower of David, City of David, Mountain of Olives, Golden Gate, Place of the Holy Supper, Gethsemane, Via Dolorosa (Road of the Cruz), Tomb of Jesus, Walling Wall, Western Wall tunnels, Yad Vashem (Holocaust) museum

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The Good News Mission ( or EZZB

AddressRua Clóvis Líra 246, Nova Parnamirim,
Parnamirim - RN

(0055)(84) 99142 5210


Over the Author

The writer of the Bible studies is Wilfred René Starrenburg. First followed a technical aircraft training (ground engineer) and graduated from the HTS computer science (bachelor degree). Worked in Iran, Sweden, Ireland, England and the Netherlands.
3-year internal bible school education. Lives in Brazil with his wife and two children.